We welcome you with Sabbath peace by saying “Shabbat Shalom!” When you visit with us, be sure that you get a first time visitor pack—it has a lot more detailed information and answers to other questions about worship, other activities, and our facilities.
What are our services like?
Our Shabbat morning service consists of both ancient and modern elements of worship, including traditional Jewish elements (e.g., Shema, blessings from the Amidah, reading from the Torah).
How long are they?
OurShabbat morning service is approximately two hours long.
What is your style of worship?
Our musical worship is a mixture of traditional and modern, Yeshua-centered songs and chants.
What is typical attire?
Typical attire runs the spectrum from jeans to business casual to suit-and-tie. Wear what you’re comfortable in, but feel free to dress up to worship the L-rd. For High Holy Day services (e.g., Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur), attire is usually more formal, and traditional, where appropriate.
Is child care available?
Nursery & Children’s Program – Currently, child care is not available. We are evaluating when we will be able to offer Nursery care (for up to 4 years old) and Shabbat School (for 4-11 years old).
Youth – Children from 11-18 years old participate in the Shabbat morning service with their parents or guardians. Please subscribe to our email newsletter, or contact Alex & Devon, to find out when the Youth are meeting.