Foundations (Page 2)

Foundations (Page 2)

Sign of the New Covenant

In this week’s message, Brant wraps up our mini-series on the Covenants of Promise with this–the Sign of the New Covenant. At Shavu’ot, when Jewish believers were celebrating the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai, ADONAI sends the Helper, promised by Messiah Yeshua–the Holy Spirit, the Sign of the New Covenant, who enables us to walk out…

Covenants of Promise – Part 1

In this week’s message, Brant continues our Foundations series with the first message in mini-series on the covenants of promise–starting with an introduction to Ancient Near East covenants and reviewing the covenants HaShem established with Noah, with the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), and with the children of Israel at Sinai.

Seven Superlative Roles of Torah

In this week’s message, Brant continues our “Foundations” series by looking at the Seven Superlative Roles of Torah. Torah has many roles, but these seven will help us understand Torah in context and help us recognize when popular teachings conflict with the context of Scripture.

Torah Across Scripture, Part 2

In part 2 of “Torah Across Scripture,” Brant focuses on how Yeshua and the Apostles approached Torah as foundational and relevant in their lives. The conclusion that Brant proposes is that the message of Yeshua and the Apostles is powerful precisely because it continues and affirms with G-d’s foundational revelation given in Torah to the Jewish people and, through…

Torah Across Scripture, Part 1

In part 1 of “Torah Across Scripture,” Brant focuses on how Torah is foundational and relevant according to the Tanakh (the Hebrew Scriptures). We are left with the questions: 1) What does Scripture require of the Messiah in regards to Torah and is that relevant to our understanding of Yeshua? 2) How does my view of Torah align with the Hebrew Scriptures?

The Seven Supernal Truths About Scripture

In this week’s message, Brant continues our “Foundations” series by exploring the seven supernal truths about Scripture: Revelation, Inspiration, Trustworthy, Authority, Doesn’t Contradict Itself, Obey Because We’re Saved, and Shaped by Love. Click here for a message summary with study questions.

The Letter and the Spirit of the Law

In this week’s message, Trey explores the history of the Ruach in the Torah and B’rit Chadasha, and its relationship to Torah, finding that together they lead to a life that’s Spirit-led, reflects HaShem’s nature, and bears fruit. Click here for a message summary with study questions.
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