Guest Speakers
Abiding in Yeshua’s Love
Becoming a Family of Prayer
Being a family of prayer is an expression of our identity. Our prayer life serves to transform us, to make us more like Messiah. Yeshua’s wants to become a more loving people who are working together to make God’s Name known, experienced, enjoyed, and made manifest in all the Nations.
Ten Misuses of the Law
The Law is good… when used lawfully. But the Law can be misused — and that leads to a life lived according to unsound doctrine, based on the wrong foundation, and all of the pain, suffering, and disunity that comes from that.
Mercy and Spiritual Growth
The LORD is My Shepherd
There’s Hope in the Resurrection
Counting All as Loss to Gain Messiah
God Needs You
In this week’s message, our guest speaker Mark Blessing teaches that God needs us, but not in the way we may think. He doesn’t need us for Him to exist or to accomplish His purposes, but He chose to partner with us to accomplish His will. God needs us.. to do our part.
Taste, See, and Do
In this week’s message, our guest speaker Todd Westphal brings an exhortation to our community: Taste, See, and Do.