The Word Made Flesh

The Word Made Flesh

The Glory Made Flesh

In this week’s message, Brant discusses the humanity of Messiah Yeshua found in the opening of John’s Gospel to answer the question “How does the concept of G-d’s Logos becoming flesh transform our understanding of the Good News?”

Wisdom Made Flesh

In this week’s message, Brant explores the theology of early believers within 1st century Judaism. They saw Yeshua not only as the “living Word”, but also as the “living Wisdom” of HaShem and the “living Torah”–the agent through which He created and blesses His people.

The Logos Made Flesh

This week, Brant continues the series “The Word Made Flesh”. He explores how G-d exhibits His incredible love for us–sometimes “tough love”, letting us realize how much we need Him, but ultimately making a way to restore us to Him. Do we have a creation-sized, salvation message to share? Are we bringing His light to a dark and dying world? [Romans 8.19-23 & Genesis 1.1-5]

The Word Made Flesh

With this week’s message, Brant starts a new series “The Word Made Flesh”. Do we think too small when we consider the Good News message? How does the Good News impact creation? In this message we begin discussing the Big Picture of salvation and the mysterious Word of The Lord. [Genesis 1.1-5 & John 1.1-5]