Sermons by Brant B. (Page 8)

Sermons by Brant B. (Page 8)

The Woman of Valour

In this week’s message, Brant examines HaShem’s original purpose for women–that is, a well-matched helper for man who was intended to conquer and rule over creation with him–and contrasts that with how ancient and modern cultures have changed the role of women to suit themselves and have stolen from them the valor that HaShem intended.

Dor L’Dor

This week, we had our annual Yalde HaB’rit (YHB) showcase–where we recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of our young people that are enrolled in our homeschool co-op. In this week’s message, Brant teaches on what “from generation to generation” means to a community like our own.

Shabbat HaGadol

This week’s message, Brant wove together threads from some recent messages to paint a picture of what it means to be like Yeshua. He taught that if we’re going to do what He did, that means that we have to change what we do. As disciples, we are called to live and walk this out in community, not by our themselves.

Beyond the Beattitudes: Salt and Light

In this week’s message, Brant examined Yeshua’s radical call to discipleship–everything that we do should be informed by G-d and should reflect His image. Discipleship involves four things: dedication, memorization, imitation, and replication. The highest aspiration of a disciple is to be like their Master (Yeshua) in every way and to make more disciples.

Beatitudes: The Peacemakers

In this week’s message, Brant continues our study of the Beatitudes, picking up in Matthew 5:9. It’s not easy to make peace, but Yeshua’s teachings require us to take steps to make peace, to turn this world right-side up, if we’re going to expand the kingdom of heaven here and now. We’re called to bring change to the world around us in a way that reflects and honors…

Beatitudes: The Pure in Heart

In this week’s message, Brant explores what it means to be “pure in heart” (Psalm 24:3-5) and how we become “pure in heart”. Do we seek to live a life of integrity, doing the “right” thing even when we know it won’t be rewarded here on earth and may even cost us? Or are we conformed to the world around us?