Food in Baskets

Food in Baskets

Another one of the “four things” we are to do when celebrating Purim is to exchange gifts of food (literally, “sending of portions” or Mishloach Manot). This is based on the phrase “sending presents of food to one another” in Esther 9:22. It is meant to ensure that everyone has enough food for the Purim feast later in the day — and to foster love and friendship between Jews and their neighbors.

Traditionally, you should give a food gift, containing at least two prepared, ready-to-eat items to two different friends or family members in order to fulfill the mitzvah. You can go traditional and include items such as hamentaschen cookies and a bottle of wine or grape juice… or you could go “sweet tooth” with a Snickers bar and a can of Coke.

Of course, there is no reason to have only two food items. You can bless your Jewish friends or family with a lovely food basket that shows your love and reverence for their Purim traditions. Mishloach Manot is a wonderful opportunity to connect with the broader Jewish community, too.